Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Vance History

I just finished re-typing the Vance history from a tape recording that Uncle Steve made in 1985 so its up on his website. It's probably more history than anybody wants to know. I recall Brian, my brother, having a book on Vance history so he might be able to add to it, although I don't know if any of the material in the book relates directly to us. Cousin Chris now has the family bible so she may have comments.

The spelling of Listol is different than what is up on the webpage. there it is spelled listowel. thats probably the correct version but I'll wait a bit before changing it in case it is something else instead.

I remember Dad saying that people were worried for him when he reached 42 as many people were superstitious and believed that things go in threes. Grandfather Samuel Vance was the eldest son and died at 42 in a hunting accident, and Dad's dad, Allen Vance was the eldest son and also 42 years old when he was killed in a farm accident. Since dad was an eldest son, some people believed that he would also die at the age of 42 in an accident. Fortunately the spell broke and Dad reached 43 years without incident, then went on to live a good many more years. That's probably why he was never a susperstitious person.

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